Kubernetes and Xen: Putting it all together
Tags:  xen, kubernetes,  first published on Dec 14, 2017

This post is the final post in a series of articles describing how to set up an RBAC+TLS-enabled bare metal Kubernetes cluster running on Xen, in order to understand and follow the below instructions you might want to start from the beginning.

This set of instructions depends on the following

  • You are running this on the Dom0 of a Xen installation configured as discussed in previous posts especially in terms of network (virbr1 etc.)
  • the XENDIR environmental variable has been correctly set, here it will be assumed to be /storage/xen
  • The xencd alias is available, it is provided in the functions.bashrc file below. Typically XENDIR/bin is also added to PATH
  • The specified CoreOS distribution has been downloaded and put in XENDIR/images with the coreos-xxxxxx.bin.bz2 naming convention, this was discussed here
  • No other bash alias/function for kgen, kgencert, etc. as described in previous pages of the guide is used, only the functions present in the functions.bashrc file listed here are in effect
  • CFSSL has been installed and is available in PATH, this was discussed here
  • Nginx has been installed and configured to serve Ignition requests to our guests, this was discussed here
  • Firewall rules have been set in our Dom-0 to allow communication as needed, the rules.v4 file linked below should be used after changing to whatever the correct IP address is for your Dom0 LAN address.
  • The ct config transpiler is available in PATH, this was discussed here
  • The kgenerate file listed below is put in PATH, and python (2 or 3), which it requires, is available.

The cluster we’ll create will be named solar and will have a master node, three etcd nodes and two additional non-etcd nodes. It will be using the .20-.29 address space in our configuration and the individual Xen guest hostnames will be solar-xxx as described below

Master:   solar-earth          (
Etcd:     solar-mercury        (
Etcd:     solar-venus          (
Etcd:     solar-mars           (
Node:     solar-jupiter        (
Node:     solar-saturn         (

To make things easier in some commands the following environmental variable should be defined

KCLUSTER="earth mercury venus mars jupiter saturn"

Distribution files

The needed files for the scripts are as follows, note rules.v4 should be put in /etc/iptables/rules.v4 (don’t forget to back up the file there and/or to merge this with it if needed!) and systemctl restart iptables-persistent be rerun afterwards.

functions.bashrc and kgenerate are also available as syntax highlighted blog pages if you want to take a look at what they do more easily. You could also edit functions.bashrc and add the export KCLUSTER= line in there to make it easier so it’s set automatically every time you xencd to a cluster subdirectory.

Here is a tarfile containing all of the files woodensquares-k8s.tar.bz2 in a guests/solar/ subdirectory and kgenerate in a bin/ subdirectory, if you want to use this you can simply follow the next steps

root@andromeda:~# export XENDIR=/storage/xen
root@andromeda:~# cd $XENDIR/
root@andromeda:/storage/xen# wget
root@andromeda:/storage/xen# tar xvf woodensquares-k8s.tar.bz2
root@andromeda:/storage/xen# rm woodensquares-k8s.tar.bz2
root@andromeda:/storage/xen# ls -la bin/
Make sure for example you have removed the old kgenct python script discussed during the initial posts in this series, only ct and kgenerate are needed.
total 5748
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Dec 12 17:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root    4096 Dec 12 16:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5871900 Sep 25 16:55 ct
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    1183 Dec 12 17:06 kgenerate
root@andromeda:/storage/xen# cd $XENDIR/guests/solar
If you haven't done this yet
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# aptitude install iptables-persistent
Otherwise you might want to back up your current rules
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# cp /etc/iptables/rules.v4 /etc/iptables/rules.v4.presolar
Before copying the file don't forget to change to your Dom0 LAN IP
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# mv rules.v4 /etc/iptables/
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# systemctl restart netfilter-persistent
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# find .
Let's run the xencd alias to source the functions
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# . functions.bashrc
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# xencd solar
You should have created this file already during the etcd steps, but this has more IPs available so it might be useful to switch to it
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# mv /var/lib/dnsmasq/virbr1/hostsfile /var/lib/dnsmasq/virbr1/hostsfile.presolar
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# echo 00:16:3e:ee:ee:01, > hostsfile
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# khostsfile >> hostsfile
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# mv hostsfile /var/lib/dnsmasq/virbr1

Cluster creation

Let’s now actually create the cluster

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# export KCLUSTER="earth mercury venus mars jupiter saturn"
create images with an extra 6GB of free space for the root
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kcreateimgs 1520.9.0 6144 $KCLUSTER
Expanding /storage/xen/images/coreos-1520.9.0.bin.bz2 to earth.img
Adding 6144 megabytes to earth.img
6144+0 records in
6144+0 records out
6442450944 bytes (6.4 GB, 6.0 GiB) copied, xx.xxxx s, yyy MB/s
Expanding /storage/xen/images/coreos-1520.9.0.bin.bz2 to mercury.img
Adding 6144 megabytes to mercury.img
Generate all the Xen cfg files, this will start IPs from .20 in terms of lease master gets 2vcpu and an extra 512 of RAM in general 1gb seems the minimum for RAM, but 1.5 is better esp. if running dashboard
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kcreatecfg 20 $KCLUSTER
Creating earth.cfg, will become with mac 00:16:3e:4e:31:20
Creating mercury.cfg, will become with mac 00:16:3e:4e:31:21
Creating venus.cfg, will become with mac 00:16:3e:4e:31:22
Creating mars.cfg, will become with mac 00:16:3e:4e:31:23
Creating jupiter.cfg, will become with mac 00:16:3e:4e:31:24
Creating saturn.cfg, will become with mac 00:16:3e:4e:31:25

The cluster was created with master: vcpu=2, mem=2048 nodes: vcpu=1 mem=1536
Generate all the certificates for all our nodes
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kgencert *.cfg
Generating the etcd ca
Generating the Kubernetes ca
Generating the etcd server certificate for earth
Generating the etcd peer certificate for earth
Generating the etcd client certificate for earth
Generating the Kubernetes apiserver server certificate for earth
Generating the Kubernetes kubelet server certificate for earth
Generating the Kubernetes kubelet client certificate for earth
Generating the Kubernetes controller manager client certificate for earth
Generating the Kubernetes scheduler client certificate for earth
Generating the Kubernetes proxy client certificate for earth
Generating the Kubernetes admin client certificate for earth

As an aside, note that we are running on CoreOS-provided images, and the Kubernetes distribution available there might be slightly behind the official distribution, this is expecially noticeable in the HyperKube container used to set-up kubelet, kube-proxy and so on.

For example at the time of writing the current Kubernetes version is 1.8.5, but the latest available hyperkube is 1.8.4, when choosing the tag to use here please make sure it does exist by checking

Generate all the ignition templates as well as needed additional files this will use kubernetes 1.8.4
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kgenerate -e 3 -k v1.8.4 -c $KCLUSTER
Created templates for a cluster with:
Master:   solar-earth          (
Etcd:     solar-mercury        (
Etcd:     solar-venus          (
Etcd:     solar-mars           (
Node:     solar-jupiter        (
Node:     solar-saturn         (
Install the ignition files in nginx and set up the guests
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kgen refresh $KCLUSTER
grub.cfg set to:set linux_append="coreos.config.url="
Removed /etc/machine-id for systemd units refresh
Transpiling earth.ct and adding it to nginx
Creating coreos/first_boot
grub.cfg set to:set linux_append="coreos.config.url="
Removed /etc/machine-id for systemd units refresh
Transpiling mercury.ct and adding it to nginx
Creating coreos/first_boot
grub.cfg set to:set linux_append="coreos.config.url="
Removed /etc/machine-id for systemd units refresh
Transpiling venus.ct and adding it to nginx
Creating coreos/first_boot
grub.cfg set to:set linux_append="coreos.config.url="
Removed /etc/machine-id for systemd units refresh
Transpiling mars.ct and adding it to nginx
Creating coreos/first_boot
grub.cfg set to:set linux_append="coreos.config.url="
Removed /etc/machine-id for systemd units refresh
Transpiling jupiter.ct and adding it to nginx
Creating coreos/first_boot
grub.cfg set to:set linux_append="coreos.config.url="
Removed /etc/machine-id for systemd units refresh
Transpiling saturn.ct and adding it to nginx
Creating coreos/first_boot
Everything is ready for the cluster to start
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kup $KCLUSTER
[1] 6492
[2] 6493
[3] 6496
[4] 6501
[5] 6502
[6] 6520
Parsing config from venus.cfg
Parsing config from mercury.cfg
Parsing config from earth.cfg
Parsing config from mars.cfg
Parsing config from jupiter.cfg
Parsing config from saturn.cfg

The first boot of the cluster will take a while because docker has to download images after it’s up, check with the console, can ssh in and journalctl -f there will be errors for a while while etcd starts up and everything is settled

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# ssh core@
core@solar-earth:~$ journalctl -f
Dec 09 21:29:54 solar-earth kubelet-wrapper[761]: Downloading ACI:  24.6 MB/245 MB
Dec 09 21:29:55 solar-earth flannel-wrapper[902]: Downloading signature:  0 B/473 B
Dec 09 21:29:55 solar-earth flannel-wrapper[902]: Downloading signature:  473 B/473 B
Dec 09 21:29:55 solar-earth kubelet-wrapper[761]: Downloading ACI:  26 MB/245 MB
Dec 09 21:29:56 solar-earth flannel-wrapper[902]: Downloading ACI:  0 B/18 MB
Dec 09 21:29:56 solar-earth flannel-wrapper[902]: Downloading ACI:  8.19 KB/18 MB
Dec 09 21:29:56 solar-earth kubelet-wrapper[761]: Downloading ACI:  27.4 MB/245 MB
Dec 09 21:29:57 solar-earth flannel-wrapper[902]: Downloading ACI:  1.38 MB/18 MB
Dec 09 21:29:57 solar-earth kubelet-wrapper[761]: Downloading ACI:  28.5 MB/245 MB

after the download is done can also docker ps to verify containers are starting

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                                                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
58f9ec71708c   "/bin/bash -c '/contr"   15 seconds ago      Up 14 seconds                           k8s_kube-controller-manager_kube-controller-manager-solar-earth_kube-system_c483efd67fc3ec53dba56e58eedf3d5c_0
345ce236abd1   "/bin/bash -c '/proxy"   18 seconds ago      Up 17 seconds                           k8s_kube-proxy_kube-proxy-solar-earth_kube-system_279180e8dd21f1066568940ef66762e4_0
608df8c0fb68   "/bin/bash -c '/sched"   19 seconds ago      Up 19 seconds                           k8s_kube-scheduler_kube-scheduler-solar-earth_kube-system_295842a1063467946b49b059a8b55c8b_0
0db9eaa574c8   "/bin/bash -c '/apise"   22 seconds ago      Up 22 seconds                           k8s_kube-apiserver_kube-apiserver-solar-earth_kube-system_09b4691a8d49eb9038ca56ce4543554a_0
a48be2806005                                                                     "/pause"                 51 seconds ago      Up 47 seconds                           k8s_POD_kube-proxy-solar-earth_kube-system_279180e8dd21f1066568940ef66762e4_0
57edc7794024                                                                     "/pause"                 51 seconds ago      Up 46 seconds                           k8s_POD_kube-controller-manager-solar-earth_kube-system_c483efd67fc3ec53dba56e58eedf3d5c_0
b7585fc1c322                                                                     "/pause"                 51 seconds ago      Up 47 seconds                           k8s_POD_kube-scheduler-solar-earth_kube-system_295842a1063467946b49b059a8b55c8b_0
cd1ea45ef2ed                                                                     "/pause"                 51 seconds ago      Up 48 seconds                           k8s_POD_kube-apiserver-solar-earth_kube-system_09b4691a8d49eb9038ca56ce4543554a_0

You can also tail the kubernetes logs in /var/log/kubernetes/*log after the containers are up to make sure especially the apiserver is settled, this might take a few minutes depending on the speed of your computer and disks.

Accessing the cluster

The cluster is now available, so we can execute commands against it, if you don’t have kubectl available it’s time to get it

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# curl -LO
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# chmod a+x kubectl
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# mv kubectl $XENDIR/bin

we can now set the configuration for our cluster, with certificates and so on, via the kubeconfig bash function

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubeconfig $KCLUSTER
Cluster "solar" set.
User "admin" set.
Context "solar" created.
Switched to context "solar".
Now verify it works
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.4", GitCommit:"9befc2b8928a9426501d3bf62f72849d5cbcd5a3", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-11-20T05:28:34Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.4", GitCommit:"9befc2b8928a9426501d3bf62f72849d5cbcd5a3", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-11-20T05:17:43Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl get svc
kubernetes   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   2m

Creating some deployments

Let’s now start kube-dns, to have dns available in our cluster, as well as busybox and hostnames as discussed in the Kubernetes debugging page here to verify everything works

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl apply -f ./yaml/dns.yaml
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl apply -f ./yaml/hostnames.yaml
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl apply -f ./yaml/busybox.yaml
wait for the pods to be up then
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl exec -i --tty busybox -- /bin/sh
root@busybox:/# nslookup hostnames
Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

Name:      hostnames
Address 1: hostnames.default.svc.cluster.local

For a more complicated deployment let’s now install the Kubernetes dashboard, in order to use it we should give it some certificates to be able to access it over SSL, so we have to create them as well as store them in Kubernetes as a secret.

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# knodeportcert dashboard
Generating a nodeport certificate for 'dashboard' with IPs set to,,
Note the IPs chosen, if they don't look right you might need to update the function, in that case let me know. Certs will be in ./dashboard-certs, we need to rename them
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# mv dashboard-certs/solar-nodeport-dashboard.pem dashboard-certs/dashboard.crt
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# mv dashboard-certs/solar-nodeport-dashboard-key.pem dashboard-certs/dashboard.key
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl create secret generic kubernetes-dashboard-certs --from-file=./dashboard-certs -n kube-system
secret "kubernetes-dashboard-certs" created
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# rm -rf dashboard-certs

The provided yaml file is the same as this file with the small change of making the deployment a nodeport on our 32000 port.

We can now start the deployment and take a couple of extra steps to verify it works accessing it from our main development workstation (where we likely have our browser)

root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl apply -f ./yaml/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
We need to get the token from our configuration to be able to log into the dashboard
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl config view --flatten --minify | awk -F ' ' '/token:/ { print $2 }'
the kubectl config view --flatten --minify output can be saved so we can transfer it
root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/solar# kubectl config view --flatten --minify > solar

On our main host, we can now copy this file and use it after making sure we change the IP address of the cluster to the LAN IP of our Xen box, ( here but of course different in your case) and the port to the port on the Xen box that will be forwarded to the master 8443 port for API access.

user@somewhere:~$ scp root@ ~/.kube/
user@somewhere:~$ export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/solar
user@somewhere:~$ kubectl config set-cluster solar --server=
Cluster "solar" set.
user@somewhere:~$ kubectl -n kube-system get svc
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
kube-dns               ClusterIP    <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP   6m
kubernetes-dashboard   NodePort   <none>        443:32000/TCP   3m

You should now be able to go on your browser and go to https://[your-lan-ip]:32000/ and log in with the master token identified above to access the dashboard.

Have fun with your new Kubernetes cluster! If you have reached this page as part of the guide, you might need to go back to step 5 to understand how the cluster is put together.

To shut down the cluster you can just run kdown $KCLUSTER.

Kubernetes and Xen, part 6: kubelet and other services
Tags:  xen, kubernetes,  first published on Dec 14, 2017
In the previous part of the guide we have shown how thanks to flannel our docker containers can talk to each other across our physical nodes. It is now time to actually start looking at the services that make our cluster a Kubernetes cluster. Kubelet Kubelet is the last service that is directly managed by CoreOS in our installation, it runs on all the nodes and besides receiving commands from other Kubernetes components, it will also help bootstrap the cluster by starting the remaining pieces via manifest files.
Kubernetes and Xen, part 5: Flanneld
Tags:  xen, kubernetes,  first published on Dec 14, 2017
In the previous part of the guide we have created an actual working etcd cluster, building on the lessons learned there we will now create the actual Kubernetes installation. Network layout Before continuing, let’s clarify what network layout we want to achieve for our cluster. There are several networks in our configuration and it’s important to keep that in mind to understand what’s going on. Physical network This is the network that you use to access your Dom0 installation from other computers on your network, for all the following pages you will see that my Dom0 is accessible as 192.
Kubernetes and Xen, part 4: A CoreOS etcd cluster
Tags:  xen, kubernetes,  first published on Dec 14, 2017
In the previous part of the guide we have shown how to create a CoreOS Xen guest, let’s now leverage that and create a cluster of 3 CoreOS guests running running etcd. First of all we should create Xen configuration files for the other two nodes, this is simply a matter of changing a few values andromeda root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/etcd# cat node-1.cfg | sed -e 's/node-1/node-2/g' -e s/31:11,/31:12,/ node-2.cfg root@andromeda:/storage/xen/guests/etcd# cat node-1.
Kubernetes and Xen, part 3: A CoreOS Xen guest
Tags:  xen, kubernetes,  first published on Dec 14, 2017
In the previous part of the guide we have completed our basic Xen-related configuration, and we are now ready to move into actually configuring our Kubernetes cluster. Let’s start by creating a CoreOS guest and showing how to configure it. As an aside it would be possible to write scripts that would create guests and their configuration with minimal assistance. However this blog series is intended to be very low in “magic” so although I will make use of a couple of scripts, they will be targeted mostly to automating “boring” tasks and should not hide any necessary steps.